guidelines & supplementary info


For us all it is very important to create a safe, free and open atmosphere, in which we feel safe and supported to be ourselves, to be playful and vulnerable.

To support that, we created some guidelines, and we hope that everybody will respect them, and keep us happy!


  • JOINING OUR SESSIONS IS ALWAYS ON YOUR OWN RISK!!! We are not responsible for any physical injury.
  • Contact means: being in touch with yourself and your surroundings, in a playful, improvised and spontaneous way, whilst dancing/meeting each other being with ourselves.
  • Everyone is responsible for their own boundaries. Meaning, we can’t feel what just feels right for you. Sometimes it feel right to sit for yourself and take a break, walk through the room or be in a real long dance with just 2 people during that session. Never fear to reject somebody if the situation does not feel right for you.
  • Pay attention to your body signals. Often in daily life we don’t listen to them, this is an opportunity to create more awareness for our body.
  • In comparison to other dance forms contact improvisation is not meant to be as some couple interaction to raise mutual attraction or act it out, but as an intuitive form of non-verbal communication through movement. Please don’t follow some hidden agenda to find intimacy with your partners.
  • However, responsibility is two-sided. We take care not to invade others space and go with what they signal us to create an atmosphere of trust.
  • Stay in touch with all your physical reactions. Don’t push yourself to act free. Safety is thé base of real freedom.
  • No regular communication during the session, body language and verbal exited gibberish sounds are okay.
  • After the introduction you are free to step out, sit on the side, walk out of the room, or do whatever feels good for you.
  • On the dancefloor there is no intention of wanting attention, flirting or sexual interaction, if you notice in yourself these feelings, please work with yourself with it,  take a step backwards and respect the other person(s).
  • No shoes are worn in the room
  • No water-glasses in the room – plastic bottles are fine!
  • Everybody is equal!


When you enter you get yourself administered

  • The cost of a single class or JAM is €5,- together €10,-
  • You can buy a 10x card for €45,- This card is not personal and you can share with anybody else. It is not a physical card but systemed in our administration.
  • If for any reason we stop the classes, we will inform you and give your money back.
  • The remaining money we will use it for special events


In the yoga studio we have our own drawer in the cabinet on the back wall. In there we will store lost and found items. If you forgot something, probably you can find it back in there.


For every session we offer an introduction by a more experienced dancer.

  • It starts at 19.30 and can be 20 minutes, an hour, or longer depending on your class
  • Always start with checking if there are new people, who have never experienced contact impro before, and give a small introduction. Or just tell them that they don’t have to know anything, and that the main thing is to keep in contact with yourself.
  • When you provide this class, you also take care of music for the JAM afterwards. If you don’t have it, please contact us.
  • During the whole session you are responsible if people get stuck and raise their hands for help.


We will also organise life music jams, if you play an instrument let us know, and bring yourself & your instrument on our life music jams! You can enter the JAM for free.

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